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Labor Day Sale:

We are going to pay the sales tax* on any in-stock or special order furniture purchase now thru 09/11/2020
* Excludes any Clearance Items Or Collections

You must pay the sales tax on any BBQ grill or Big Green Egg purchase; however, we are offering free assembly and local delivery now thru 09/11/2020.

Stylish Patio Furniture

The style and construction of patio furniture is always evolving. Gone are the days of settling for cheap, plastic furniture for your patio. Now, outdoor furniture can be just as beautiful, luxurious, and comfortable as your indoor furniture, complete with a large choice of gorgeous fabrics, and construction and craftsmanship of high quality.

The Perfect Furniture to Match Your Patio Vision

How do you plan to use your outdoor space?

– A place to relax around a cozy fire?

– A place to dine al fresco with family and friends?

– A trendy bar space around your pool or spa?

The answer to these questions will help you choose the furniture you need. With so many options available, choosing patio furniture can be overwhelming. But not to worry, we are here to help! Our team of experts can assist you in selecting the right furniture to fit your style and transform your backyard or your space into a beautiful oasis.

Visit and browse our gallery if you need inspiration and ideas for your own patio, or we can also create something truly custom and unique for you, too!



Beautiful and functional, teak furniture makes an excellent addition to your backyard patio. The natural oils in the wood help to protect it from water, preventing warping or cracking. This means it will stand up to all types of weather conditions.


If you want furniture that can easily be picked up and rearranged, aluminum is the right choice for you. This style of furniture is extremely lightweight but doesn’t sacrifice on durability. Minimal maintenance is required, and you won’t have to worry about the pieces rusting or deteriorating.

Wrought Iron

The strong construction of wrought iron furniture means your patio set will stay in place all year round. Iron is heavy and durable to withstand the harsh elements brought on by the Florida climate. Wrought iron furniture is also extremely easy to care for, as it can be wiped down with soap and water.

Vinyl Wicker

Crafted from man-made materials, vinyl wicker furniture has all the beauty of a woven wicker piece without the worry of yearly maintenance. Add additional comfort and style with beautiful cushions in a variety of hues.

Loom Wicker

Bring the feel of the tropics to your backyard with expertly crafted loom wicker furniture pieces. Our loom wicker furniture is the real deal and will match perfectly with the summer vibe Florida has nearly year-round.


One of our most maintenance-free and durable options available, poly furniture no longer lacks design and style. High-density poly furniture provides great comfort and can withstand the harshest of environments including salt and full weather exposure. With a large variety of textures, colors, and styles, poly furniture is the fastest-growing category in the outdoor furniture market.


Constructed to Withstand the Elements

Our luxurious outdoor furniture is from some of the industry’s top manufacturers and is built to last. You can trust these pieces to stand up to the temperamental weather of Central Florida. Constructed of durable high-grade aluminum frames and Sunbrella© covered cushions, our stylish patio furniture is not only comfortable but will also last for many years. You’ll love that our furniture allows you to relax like you’re in your living room while still taking in the sun and fresh air.

Many Luxurious Styles to Choose From

We have numerous styles of deep-seated furniture to choose from at our location near Orlando, FL. You’ll find outdoor sofas, sectionals, cozy armchairs, chaise lounges, and even daybeds that you can use to relax by the pool on warm days or by a fire on chilly nights. Whatever your style, you’re sure to find something you like in our showroom. We encourage you to stop by today and check out our vast selection.

Save on Clearance Furniture

Creating a gorgeous outdoor space is possible even on a budget. We regularly reduce the prices of some of our furniture collections. These clearance items allow our customers shopping on a budget to score a steal and create the space they want without breaking the bank. Shop our clearance styles online or come in and see them at our showroom.