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Outdoor kitchen

What We Do

Our design team, installation team, as well as our network of tradesmen and contractors work together to handle any project, no matter the size. Our outdoor kitchen specialists can help you plan and design your space.

For more than 20 years, we have built kitchens of all sizes, with varying degrees of complexity, so it’s safe to say we know what we’re doing.

Outdoor kitchen

What We Do

Our design team, installation team, as well as our network of tradesmen and contractors work together to handle any project, no matter the size. Our outdoor kitchen specialists can help you plan and design your space.

For more than 20 years, we have built kitchens of all sizes, with varying degrees of complexity, so it’s safe to say we know what we’re doing.




Our team works with you to create the outdoor kitchen of your dreams, whether it’s a small project, a big one, or a collaboration with a designer. We also work with a wide range of finishes and materials, from stucco that matches your house’s stucco, to cultured and natural stones, to tile as a veneer or a backsplash.


If you already have an idea in mind, that’s great: we will work with you to make it a reality!


Not sure where to start? Not sure what you want? Browse our completed projects on this page and in our Outdoor Kitchens Gallery to get inspiration for your own.

Most of Our Projects Follow This Five-Step Process:


  1. Consultation and Planification

    During your initial in-store consultation, you will discuss: your design style, your budget, and your desired key features. *See bottom of the page on how to prepare for your in-store consultation.After initial consultation, a site visit may be scheduled as needed by your outdoor kitchen specialist to take accurate dimensions, or further help you site plan your project.

  2. Conception

    Our outdoor kitchen specialist will work on a conceptual design for you to review and approve, based on what was discussed during your initial visit.

  3. Estimate

    At that time, your outdoor kitchen specialist will be able to provide you with an estimate of the cost of the project.

  1. Construction

    Your equipment and materials will be delivered to your house, and the construction of your kitchen will begin. Trades and specialists will be coordinated as the project advances.

  2. Wrap-Up

    One of our outdoor kitchen specialists will come to your house to wrap-up the project. They will also offer you, if needed, a walk-through of your new appliances, and basic tips and tricks for cleaning and maintenance.



Integrate the rich look of real wood cabinets into your outdoor kitchen space without the need for constant upkeep. NatureKast has revolutionized the outdoor kitchen industry by offering the first 100% weatherproof cabinetry. Using a technologically-advanced, high-density resin system, these cabinets perfectly replicate the natural color and texture of real wood.

How to Prepare for Your In-Store Consultation

The more information you provide, the better we can quickly and accurately answer your questions and direct you on the best course of action.

During your visit in our showroom, you will discuss:

  • Your design style(s)
  • Your interests and details about your project (wants / needs / key features)
  • Your budget (or rough idea on cost planning)
  • (OPTIONAL) Material preferences

If you have any, bring :

  • Pictures of your area (dimensions are a plus, but not required)
  • Reference pictures and/or inspiration (social media, image searches, our outdoor kitchens gallery, etc.)

Get in Touch with Us Today!

Are you ready to begin building your outdoor kitchen? Time to get started! Call us today or fill out the form on this page, and one of our outdoor kitchen specialists will contact you to set an in-store appointment.

We Offer Complete Design Services